Whole Leader
Whole Leaders embody the practice of mindfulness, self-awareness, and social awareness and they strive to create an environment in which people can spend as much time in their work lives as they do in their personal lives. Yet Toxic Leadership, or a lack of emotional intelligence, has led to increased employee turnover and a toxic work culture. Thankfully, Whole Women have the power to help turn that around by being connected with themselves and understanding how important it is to be a Whole Leader - thus positively affecting the relationships within the workplace. Through one on one interaction, group sessions and various types of workshops, it’s possible to empower employees and leaders alike to create and foster healthier work environments.
Whole Leader Benefits
Greater Innovation
Women in leadership roles bring diverse perspectives and new ideas, which can drive innovation and improve competitiveness.
Improved Work Performance
As a result of building new skills and increasing their confidence, women often see an improvement in their work performance.
Improved Talent Retention
Commitment to employee growth and development leads to increased loyalty and satisfaction.